So, as predicted, the main things filling my thoughts the past couple of days have been food food food food food. I am very hungry! It's making me feel weak and sick and shaky. Ugh, and I have to drink this hot water with lemon in it every morning? I know that doesn't sound that bad but the feeling of hot beverages going down my throat makes me almost gag, and any time a restaurant puts lemon in my water I immediately fish it out with a fork. It's so nast. Then I have to drink 8 big ol' glasses of water a day. Not to give TMI (jk! I love TMI!) , but I am peeing like TWENTY TIMES A DAY! It's HORRIBLE! I'm about ready to sit down on the toilet and cry. AND ANOTHER THING! I have to write down everything I eat, and it makes me feel like I have OCD. And you know what? I'm not even following the fucking thing to the letter! That's right, I am slightly cheating on my cleanse. Like today I had 2 servings of lean protein when I'm supposed to have 1, and 4 servings of fruit instead of 3. It sucks this bad and I'm not even doing it right! I've also been chewing sugar-free gum, which I don't think I'm supposed to do! God fucking damn it! And why did a zillion donuts all of a sudden appear in the villa as soon as I started this? There's never donuts around! What the hell?! I've never wanted donuts so bad. Ever. It's only day two!
The other thing that's going on is I got an interview at Glamour Shots and it was far from glamorous. The people there were fucking rude and unprofessional as hell (says the girl who immediately goes and blogs about their shitty business and will continue to do so even if she gets hired). I had to do a sample shoot and go off of these diagrams (every Glamour Shots session is exactly the same) but it was really hard because I have this disorder that makes it near impossible to process visual information (I know, it seems weird that I'm a photographer being as I have this problem, but usually photographic work doesn't involve exactly copying the work of other people). They kept me there for 2 hours, were totally condescending the whole time, and I hated every second of it. Also, Glamour Shots is a total rip and never go there. (I know, why would you go there? Well, maybe you would go as a joke. But trust me, if you want to get cheesy portraits as a joke, go to Sears. It's like 1/10th of the price and the only difference is they have less props, and you can bring in your own stupid props anyway, and Sears doesn't do your makeup. But who wants a nasty Glamour Shots employee all up in your grill doing your makeup all stupid, anyway?) AM I blowing this out of proportion, due to a fear of failure, a fear of success, or just because I hate having a job in general? Maybe. But a staff member came with me as my model (poor thing had to pose for 2 firggin hours, I'm taking her out for coffee) and she thought it was fucked up, too. Allllll that being said, I could still potentially get the job. I wasn't totally incompetent, and my portfolio is really good. (Do they even believe it's my portfolio? I AM A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER, IN MY WAY). But the Glamour Shots job, it could happen. And I will take it, and hate every bloody minute of it, if that happens. But I will keep looking for something else. I'm rather work at fuckin' Sears again, honestly.
Finally, I woke up this morning with a bloody boob! I had clawed the crap out of my tit in my sleep! Whaaaat is haaaappeining to meeeee? Am I a werewolf? Is puberty finally ending? Heeeelp!
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