Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My god, so totally little to say. The last few days have been a total haze of hunger.
I'm back to eating today, but it was a total trial by fire. Eleven pounds in six days. I should feel great but I feel like shit, my body is all screwed up. I'm clammy and tired and I can't concentrate.
When I went back to the nutritionist she has a whole 'nother diet ready for me, I basically has to say "gimme a few weeks to recover, lady" because I could not even begin to wrap my head around another week of strict meal planning and everything. I might just go it alone and try to manage with just portion control and exercise. We shall see, but for the moment, thank god it's over. I'm going to have to buy all new bras.
On Sunday we went to a very lame "African" themed miniature golf course. (I got a hole-in-one! But lost anyway!) There were, like, these Tiki idols everywhere (ooh African. Very totally real, and for sure acurately African) and I SWEAR TO GOD they were painted up like minstrels! I was totally agog, but no one else shared my shock, or even seemed to pay any attention. The bizarre fucked-upness of the world continues to blow my mind.
On MOnday we had some groups and meetings and such but I was too cloudy from hunger to be able to make much sense out of it. People clapping because I'd lost so much weight, while I lay prone on the sofa, shaking and sweating and moaning. Good Job. Today I could FINALLY EAT but my body is still pretty pissed.
I went to an animal shelter with TLLC (somehow this qualified as "cultural group"?). It was nice to see the animals and not have to feel bad because it was a no kill shelter and all, but I DID NOT GET TO HOLD A CAT! Do you realize that I have not pet a cat since I got here? Dogs are always out on walks and are easy to pet, cats are much trickier. I miss my Phaedra so terribly. I just want a kitty to hold, dudes.

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