Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pure Class. (Start Snitchin')

I want to start off by saying I had a really wonderful, difficult conversation with Jon last night and I can feel my world view shifting but from now on I am not going to talk about Jon stuff. Because, first of all, it isn't very funny or interesting to other people, but secondly, and most importantly, (because really, who am i trying to entertain?), it's none of your business. Blogging about Jon is not helping anyone, so it is gone now. On to your regularly scheduled programming!
Today was classy as HELL. We went to an indoor swap meet, and then a total dirt amusement park!
OK, swap meet first. I will begin by clarifying the difference between a swap meet and a flea market. In my vernacular, a flea market is a joyous event where people sell mostly vintage and antique junk and you find amazing things that totally change your life. A swap meet, on the other hand, is a really gross, semi-shady affair where they sell really cheap, and above all really crappy, NEW goods. Knock off Nike t-shirts, angel figurines, things of that nature. You can still find cool things, but it will mostly be of the kitsch persuasion. (I once found a cigarette lighter shaped like Saddam Hussein's head). So, yeesh, this was DEFINITELY of the swap meet persuasion. I didn't have any money but if I HAD, they had some pins that all represented different Native American tribes, which would have been most excellent bought as a collection. Maybe we'll go back, but I doubt it. Mostly wigs, bongs, and baby alligator heads. Even I was grossed out.
Then, directly behind the swap meet, was Fun Spot. OK, so you know the county fair? OK, that would be EXTREMELY impressive next to Fun Spot. They had seriously maybe half a dozen little carnival rides, a GO-Kart track, and an arcade. That's it. Oh, except they had UNLIMITED SODAS! Oh how we love soda around here.
While the majority of the "residents" (yes, that is what we're called. We're not allowed to say "patients") were trying to win iphones from arcade games (yes that is TOTALLY going to happen) I went on a couple of rides with some people I don't hate. I am a Scrambler fiend! Love that Scrambler! But after that and something called "Paratrooper" it became apparent that it was either time to stop or risk spewing. And, since Garth Algar wasn't there with a tiny cup for me to spew in, I sat my ass down. Then I saw an old man wearing the most terrifying wig of all time. I think it might have been a Beatle wig from the Halloween store. It terrified me to look at it!
OK, so guess what happened in the van on the way home? Well, two things. First of all, we saw Universal Studios on fire. They had to evacuate! A water ride straight went up in flames! I can't decide if I'm glad I wasn't there, or really desperately wish I was.
But, in bigger (for my purposes) van ride news, that asshole white boy with a fucking ghetto complex was talking openly about how he had somehow obtained a fucking BB GUN when we were at the swap meet! And you know what? I fucking told on him. I don't trust that kid with a gun, no sir. I was weighing the options, though, until he started going off about faggots, once again. And when I asked him to stop? He called me a "giant homo cunt". Boom. You're getting told on. Yes, I am a huge Narc. But I do feel bad. Not because I told on that little piece of shit, but because I'm worried about people turning on me. But, yeah, the cops got called, he freaked out all over the place. I just hope he gets tossed out. WIshing negative things on people really sucks, but he's making everyone lose their shit. The cutters are threatening to cut, the Asperger's cases can't stop talking, the schizophrenics are having bad visions. And then I'm the relatively sane girl stuck in the eye of the hurricane. I'm feeling very responsible for everything. Tried to distract one of the cutters by playing "MASH" (it's a grade-school fortune telling game, and you should know it). At the same tried tried to entertain conversations with some of the others. Don't know how long it can hold! This baby's gonna blowwww!

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