I'm very weak from the cleanse now. I can barely lifet my pen (I write everything out on paper and then transfer to the computer, it's the only way I can think. Although the paper trail makes me feel like Harriet The Spy, ie, like I could get in trouble at any minute should it fall into the wrong hands). I know I know, I am such a horrible complainer because there are real African children and anorexics in this world, actual starving people. But this is my 4th day of almost only vegetables and water and I'm weak and feverish and shakey and I am probably going to die. I am a total baby, and I am totally dying.
I can barely even read, which is sad because I really want to get into my current book, which is "Gob's Grief" by Chris Adrian, who I have obviously become totally obsessed with.
Speaking of obsession, I have been playing therapist with a patient who has fallen into a strange sexual obsession with a therapist. Quite a tough nut to crack. Don't worry, I'm allowed to do this, for some reason. I guess they figure my pseudo-psychiatry can't hurt, and may be helping just as much as their stuff? Or they're just glad I'm keeping him occupid? Anyway, I'm fascinated.
My therapist had me write these "anger letters" to some people that I am angry with back at home. It turns out I am a lot madder than I thought I was! I am SO FRIGGIN MAD! Now I'm scared to turn it in because I don't want her to think I'm a rage-filled crazy person! I mean, I will. Give the letters to my therapist, that is. Because I want them out of my notebook, I feel like the letters are posioning my journal.
Today we saw "The Green Hornet" which was good because Seth Rogan, Michel Gondry, Surprise apperance by Franco, and non racist portrayal of Asian men! Ok, he was still good at math and karate. But so much more!
There are rumors of going to "Holy Land" soon, which is a Christian theme park that really does actually exist. I sincerely hope this happens because I LOVE fucked up shit.
Never bum a fox.
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