Saturday, January 29, 2011
I'm just so sad. Soooo sad. I need to come home, I need to get my life together. I found out that more of the staff than just my therapist are reading this, so I don't know how much more I can say. I think this blog may officially be a failure. My life is a mess, but nothing here is helping. Write, text, whatever. I'm stranded.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My therapist has finally decided I can be spending more time at TLLC, which is more living skills than therapy. She thinks I'm doing really well, and, I mean, I AM, but why now? Because honestly this has been one of the worst weeks since I've been here. I've totally cut myself off from almost everyone, due to them all being morons. Look, I don't totally hate the normal. They can be nice and even funny and they teach you important new things about expensive hair procedures and video games. They're fine! But it's been too long, sir. I just desperately wish for someone who doesn't think my style of dress is out of date (it's RETRO, ok?). I wish, that when someone asked me what kind of music I like, I didn't have to answer "Animal Collective" because that's the only thing there is a chance people have heard of. And I actually don't even listen to Animal Collective. Other ways to explain music to boring people: "It's not on the radio", "I guess... punk?", or "Sort of like the Juno soundtrack." This is all woefully inaccurate but I've lost my ability to explain. And, again, WHY are these people so grossly average? Crazy people have a reputation for interestingness and I call total bullshit.
I went to the doctor because I am trying to solve the mystery of my right big toe, which has gone numb. This time the doctor was a nerve specialist and he didn't find anything. After sticking needles into my foot and sending electricity though my nerves (it sucks hella bad, ok?) he found nothing wrong. X-Rays proved equally worthless so I have decided to stop wasting time and money and being hurt and exposing myself to things which potentially cause cancer and just live with one numb toe forever. I'll be an invalid, but whatever. Do you suppose it's psychosomatic? Do I just BELIEVE that one of my toes is numb? Because, I've got to say, that is a pretty lame delusion.
Oh, then later in the day there was this amazing thunderstorm where when the lightning went off the sky shone bright purple. You know that Hole lyric "And the sky was made of amethyst, and all the stars were just like little fish."? Sure you do! They're the first lyrics on "Live Through This", off of "Violet". Anyway, it was just like that. I already told you that Hole is My Favorite Schizophrenic's favorite band (sigh...) but I've found ANOTHER patient who says they're her favorite, too! I have no choice but to conclude that people in psychiatric facilities are much more likely to love Hole than the general population, which, yes, that makes sense.
So, I download 4 different TV shows every week. If "Mad Men" and "United States of Tara" were on then it would be more. Oh, and I think I'm going to start watching "Portlandia" (it's a sketch show about Portland hipsters! It totally captures the uncomfortableness that is going in to a feminist bookstore!) But, anyway, the shows I currently download are "30 Rock", because JOKES and also Tina Fey is my imaginary best friend (well, her and Rhianna, but Rhianna doesn't have a TV show), "Big Love" because it's basically a high-brow soap opera, plus I love prairie dresses! And then "Saturday Night Live" because it IS still culturally relevant! And, finally, the very best, which just started up again, "RuPAUL'S DRAG RACE"! It's like "America's Next Top Model" if "America's Next Top Model" realized how stupid it is. And, you know, drag queens instead of self-serious skinny girls. It's so good and makes me totally jealous that I will never get to be a drag queen, even though it is probably my true calling. So, I suggest, if you want to improve your life, download "RuPaul's Drag Race". It will make you happy, if only for an hour.
Ugh, I feel like this post is too upbeat and totally not indicative of my mood, which is lonely and bleak. I feel like as soon as I let myself think "yeah, ok, I could do this, I could be a writer" everything went to shit. Last week I thought I could do it and this week I am positive that I couldn't. I have no education, no networking ability, and if I have any talent at all I am VERY distrustful of it. I have to figure this out or I am never going to get home.
I went to the doctor because I am trying to solve the mystery of my right big toe, which has gone numb. This time the doctor was a nerve specialist and he didn't find anything. After sticking needles into my foot and sending electricity though my nerves (it sucks hella bad, ok?) he found nothing wrong. X-Rays proved equally worthless so I have decided to stop wasting time and money and being hurt and exposing myself to things which potentially cause cancer and just live with one numb toe forever. I'll be an invalid, but whatever. Do you suppose it's psychosomatic? Do I just BELIEVE that one of my toes is numb? Because, I've got to say, that is a pretty lame delusion.
Oh, then later in the day there was this amazing thunderstorm where when the lightning went off the sky shone bright purple. You know that Hole lyric "And the sky was made of amethyst, and all the stars were just like little fish."? Sure you do! They're the first lyrics on "Live Through This", off of "Violet". Anyway, it was just like that. I already told you that Hole is My Favorite Schizophrenic's favorite band (sigh...) but I've found ANOTHER patient who says they're her favorite, too! I have no choice but to conclude that people in psychiatric facilities are much more likely to love Hole than the general population, which, yes, that makes sense.
So, I download 4 different TV shows every week. If "Mad Men" and "United States of Tara" were on then it would be more. Oh, and I think I'm going to start watching "Portlandia" (it's a sketch show about Portland hipsters! It totally captures the uncomfortableness that is going in to a feminist bookstore!) But, anyway, the shows I currently download are "30 Rock", because JOKES and also Tina Fey is my imaginary best friend (well, her and Rhianna, but Rhianna doesn't have a TV show), "Big Love" because it's basically a high-brow soap opera, plus I love prairie dresses! And then "Saturday Night Live" because it IS still culturally relevant! And, finally, the very best, which just started up again, "RuPAUL'S DRAG RACE"! It's like "America's Next Top Model" if "America's Next Top Model" realized how stupid it is. And, you know, drag queens instead of self-serious skinny girls. It's so good and makes me totally jealous that I will never get to be a drag queen, even though it is probably my true calling. So, I suggest, if you want to improve your life, download "RuPaul's Drag Race". It will make you happy, if only for an hour.
Ugh, I feel like this post is too upbeat and totally not indicative of my mood, which is lonely and bleak. I feel like as soon as I let myself think "yeah, ok, I could do this, I could be a writer" everything went to shit. Last week I thought I could do it and this week I am positive that I couldn't. I have no education, no networking ability, and if I have any talent at all I am VERY distrustful of it. I have to figure this out or I am never going to get home.
Monday, January 24, 2011
WORST news this morning which is that My Favorite Schizophrenic is leaving us! My heart is broken, I love him so... I'd been writing less about him recently, because his meds are stabilizing him more and more. He's less inclined towards nutty pronouncements and has started to almost kind of have sensical conversations. (Although before he left, he did mention a belief that Pink Floyd laser shows could cure cancer.) But every day, as I watched him do convulsive, imaginary kung-fu out on the smoker's patio, I was confident that he would be here forever and always be ours. But he left! Today! He was the best part of this shitty experience. I guess I will be forced to take up the mantle of pacing and mumbling about dead rock stars. Not that I was very far off from that to begin with.
i got extremely close to finishing the NY Times crossword puzzle this morning. Only 2 spaces left open, and I could have EASILY filled them in if I allowed myself the luxury of google. I may seem like someone who is good at crosswords, but I'm not. This is the best I've ever done, almost finishing a Monday puzzle. But, by repeating this ritual every Monday, eventually I will get better. Better at crosswords! And I thought this place was pointless!
At the gym I could barely work out because I was so disgusted by sweating. Ick. Do you suppose they have a water aerobics class, like for old ladies? I could do that. Too bad I didn't bring my adorable vintage swim cap!
At Target, I meant to buy groceries, but I froze when I got there. I don't really know how to grocery shop. Does this ever happen to you? One of the main problems is that I'm supposed to have protein with every meal, but handling raw meat is nastified and totally out of the question. Plus, Target groceries? Gag. SO I inwardly freaked and couldn't buy any food at all and then I got a candy bar instead. Stupid idiot.
Then there was DBT group. DBT stands for dialectical behavior therapy. It's supposed to be about mindfulness and managing emotions and shit. Stuff that would actually be helpful to me if we EVER actually got to it. Unfortunately, people are always using community issues as examples and it invariably degrades into exactly what ISN'T supposed to happen, ie people yelling and slamming doors. I never get involved in this stuff because I don't GIVE a shit about these people, so there is no way they are going to work me up that bad. I mean, I'm angry. I dislike almost all of them. But what will it get me, to call them all on their absolute stupidity and selfishness? Nothing but being on the bad side of a bunch of crazy people. And, like, YIKES.
I don't dislike all of them. I'd say there's about one in four that I can stand. And my new Colombian house mate is a sweetie pie. I really like her, even if she wants me to watch that Miley Cyrus movie, the "serious" one. Despite that, she is a super nice and smart girl. I worry about her, though, because she's pretty meek and has a sad past. But Jesus is she ever better than most of these assholes.
Speaking of which, there is another new girl. The new people are coming fast and furious. I didn't even mention the arrival of the hardcore boy who dresses like Criss Angel (haaa), or the triumphant return of the sex addict, who has supposedly changed her ways. But, yes, new girl today, and already it's, like, uh-oh. At dinner she said to me, like "Oh great, these people all seem like freaks." And yeah, they are, duh. But bitch, you just GOT here. And we don't say those things out loud, anyway. And if you want to be friends with me, you can start by not coming to me all obnoxious first thing. If you want to talk shit to me, make it clever. Then, the girls who I guess would be classified as "popular" (haaa) (barf) were singing "Who's That Lady?" and she, (and this is directed towards me, once again), is all like "This is not appropriate for the dinner table." I guess because it has the word "sexy" in it? Whoa girl, wrong folks to mess with. Those girls will tear you apart. And don't get me involved! Shit! You are hella bad at integrating yourself! Even though I hate everyone, no one knows. Ever since that jackass white boy got kicked out, I have no enemies. I may be two-faced, but at least no one is going to yell at me.
Finally, I did a conference call with my therapist and my parents. I kept it light. I guess that's all I can do right now. Shit's hard, dudes.
i got extremely close to finishing the NY Times crossword puzzle this morning. Only 2 spaces left open, and I could have EASILY filled them in if I allowed myself the luxury of google. I may seem like someone who is good at crosswords, but I'm not. This is the best I've ever done, almost finishing a Monday puzzle. But, by repeating this ritual every Monday, eventually I will get better. Better at crosswords! And I thought this place was pointless!
At the gym I could barely work out because I was so disgusted by sweating. Ick. Do you suppose they have a water aerobics class, like for old ladies? I could do that. Too bad I didn't bring my adorable vintage swim cap!
At Target, I meant to buy groceries, but I froze when I got there. I don't really know how to grocery shop. Does this ever happen to you? One of the main problems is that I'm supposed to have protein with every meal, but handling raw meat is nastified and totally out of the question. Plus, Target groceries? Gag. SO I inwardly freaked and couldn't buy any food at all and then I got a candy bar instead. Stupid idiot.
Then there was DBT group. DBT stands for dialectical behavior therapy. It's supposed to be about mindfulness and managing emotions and shit. Stuff that would actually be helpful to me if we EVER actually got to it. Unfortunately, people are always using community issues as examples and it invariably degrades into exactly what ISN'T supposed to happen, ie people yelling and slamming doors. I never get involved in this stuff because I don't GIVE a shit about these people, so there is no way they are going to work me up that bad. I mean, I'm angry. I dislike almost all of them. But what will it get me, to call them all on their absolute stupidity and selfishness? Nothing but being on the bad side of a bunch of crazy people. And, like, YIKES.
I don't dislike all of them. I'd say there's about one in four that I can stand. And my new Colombian house mate is a sweetie pie. I really like her, even if she wants me to watch that Miley Cyrus movie, the "serious" one. Despite that, she is a super nice and smart girl. I worry about her, though, because she's pretty meek and has a sad past. But Jesus is she ever better than most of these assholes.
Speaking of which, there is another new girl. The new people are coming fast and furious. I didn't even mention the arrival of the hardcore boy who dresses like Criss Angel (haaa), or the triumphant return of the sex addict, who has supposedly changed her ways. But, yes, new girl today, and already it's, like, uh-oh. At dinner she said to me, like "Oh great, these people all seem like freaks." And yeah, they are, duh. But bitch, you just GOT here. And we don't say those things out loud, anyway. And if you want to be friends with me, you can start by not coming to me all obnoxious first thing. If you want to talk shit to me, make it clever. Then, the girls who I guess would be classified as "popular" (haaa) (barf) were singing "Who's That Lady?" and she, (and this is directed towards me, once again), is all like "This is not appropriate for the dinner table." I guess because it has the word "sexy" in it? Whoa girl, wrong folks to mess with. Those girls will tear you apart. And don't get me involved! Shit! You are hella bad at integrating yourself! Even though I hate everyone, no one knows. Ever since that jackass white boy got kicked out, I have no enemies. I may be two-faced, but at least no one is going to yell at me.
Finally, I did a conference call with my therapist and my parents. I kept it light. I guess that's all I can do right now. Shit's hard, dudes.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Every step feels heavy and my chest feels all empty. I find myself closing my eyes at inopportune times. And absolutely nothing is able to hold my interest. It's all I can do to even write this right now because it's so BORING.
I know that I don't want to be a photographer anymore but being a therapist is expensive as hell and being a writer is too risky and I don't think I'm special enough. Oh, and I'm super fat. That's the constant, of course.
Feeling like shit makes me really want to call people, which of course isn't fair, to only call when I am having a bad day. But I am pretty much sitting on my hands to keep from calling. I'm sorry! I need to come home. I'm just going through the motions now, I swear it. I don't talk to anyone- I think I've said fewer words today than I've ever said on any other day of my life. Not a single conversation.
I am failing at this blog, even though right now it's about the only thing in my life that I care about. But boring, repetitive days lead to boring, repetitive blog posts. There's this Kimya Dawson lyric that goes "write and write and keep on writing, just make sure your life's exciting." Whoopthy! I've got half of it down. You'd think being a mental patient in Orlando would be pretty exciting, But it's just... I don't know. Not exactly pointless. I can't even classify it. It's just... wrong for my life.
Oh, I saw "the King's Speech" and it was totally whatever. Have you read any reviews for it? Yeah, it's basically like that. And I find Geoffrey Rush's nose freakish and distracting. But, on a good note regarding noses: I have decided that I like mine/ I guess that's one less thing to worry about.
So, "The King's Speech"- yawn. Geoffrey Rush's nose- whaaat? My nose- good job. Now if only I could stop these olfactory hallucinations. I am smelling imaginary chemicals wherever I go. Going to the nuthouse first and THEn losing your mind= totally me.
I know that I don't want to be a photographer anymore but being a therapist is expensive as hell and being a writer is too risky and I don't think I'm special enough. Oh, and I'm super fat. That's the constant, of course.
Feeling like shit makes me really want to call people, which of course isn't fair, to only call when I am having a bad day. But I am pretty much sitting on my hands to keep from calling. I'm sorry! I need to come home. I'm just going through the motions now, I swear it. I don't talk to anyone- I think I've said fewer words today than I've ever said on any other day of my life. Not a single conversation.
I am failing at this blog, even though right now it's about the only thing in my life that I care about. But boring, repetitive days lead to boring, repetitive blog posts. There's this Kimya Dawson lyric that goes "write and write and keep on writing, just make sure your life's exciting." Whoopthy! I've got half of it down. You'd think being a mental patient in Orlando would be pretty exciting, But it's just... I don't know. Not exactly pointless. I can't even classify it. It's just... wrong for my life.
Oh, I saw "the King's Speech" and it was totally whatever. Have you read any reviews for it? Yeah, it's basically like that. And I find Geoffrey Rush's nose freakish and distracting. But, on a good note regarding noses: I have decided that I like mine/ I guess that's one less thing to worry about.
So, "The King's Speech"- yawn. Geoffrey Rush's nose- whaaat? My nose- good job. Now if only I could stop these olfactory hallucinations. I am smelling imaginary chemicals wherever I go. Going to the nuthouse first and THEn losing your mind= totally me.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Absolutely nothing has been going on, and I say that DESPITE the fact that we finally got to go to Harry Potter. That's right, Harry Potter theme park and I'm not even enthused. We were there for like half an hour. The ride was pretty cool but, just, ugh. Sigh. What is the point of fun if you have no money, no time, and no one to enjoy it with? If I'd been there with my friends, believe me, we would have torn Hogsmeade UP. But as it was, I was just kind of sad. Way sad, eve. Fucking bummer, dude.
Wednesday they gave me this career aptitude test and it thinks I should be a comedy writer. I want to do that! But I don't know how. I can't write jokes. I feel so boring. This is a crappy, rainy, uninspiring day. So was yesterday and the day before, except for the rainy part.
Um, there was a murder like a block away from the Villa and I guess there was one like six months ago, too. So now we are not allowed to go anywhere by ourselves. You know, in case we get MURDERED. Floridaaaaahhhhh!
I finished "Gob's Grief" which took a long time because it was about the Civil War and machines and stuff. Hard to read stuff. Now I am reading "Super Sad True Love Story" by Gary Shteyngart but you know how sometimes you are so bored that you can't even manage to do something that will make you less bored, and instead you just sit around and listen to the same song over and over again? Yeah, it's like that.
I finished writing my crush history but I can't decide if I want to put it up here because, although it is honest and kind of funny, it is also embarrassing and could potentially bring sorrow into the lives of others.
Blah blah blah shut up little girl.
Wednesday they gave me this career aptitude test and it thinks I should be a comedy writer. I want to do that! But I don't know how. I can't write jokes. I feel so boring. This is a crappy, rainy, uninspiring day. So was yesterday and the day before, except for the rainy part.
Um, there was a murder like a block away from the Villa and I guess there was one like six months ago, too. So now we are not allowed to go anywhere by ourselves. You know, in case we get MURDERED. Floridaaaaahhhhh!
I finished "Gob's Grief" which took a long time because it was about the Civil War and machines and stuff. Hard to read stuff. Now I am reading "Super Sad True Love Story" by Gary Shteyngart but you know how sometimes you are so bored that you can't even manage to do something that will make you less bored, and instead you just sit around and listen to the same song over and over again? Yeah, it's like that.
I finished writing my crush history but I can't decide if I want to put it up here because, although it is honest and kind of funny, it is also embarrassing and could potentially bring sorrow into the lives of others.
Blah blah blah shut up little girl.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My god, so totally little to say. The last few days have been a total haze of hunger.
I'm back to eating today, but it was a total trial by fire. Eleven pounds in six days. I should feel great but I feel like shit, my body is all screwed up. I'm clammy and tired and I can't concentrate.
When I went back to the nutritionist she has a whole 'nother diet ready for me, I basically has to say "gimme a few weeks to recover, lady" because I could not even begin to wrap my head around another week of strict meal planning and everything. I might just go it alone and try to manage with just portion control and exercise. We shall see, but for the moment, thank god it's over. I'm going to have to buy all new bras.
On Sunday we went to a very lame "African" themed miniature golf course. (I got a hole-in-one! But lost anyway!) There were, like, these Tiki idols everywhere (ooh African. Very totally real, and for sure acurately African) and I SWEAR TO GOD they were painted up like minstrels! I was totally agog, but no one else shared my shock, or even seemed to pay any attention. The bizarre fucked-upness of the world continues to blow my mind.
On MOnday we had some groups and meetings and such but I was too cloudy from hunger to be able to make much sense out of it. People clapping because I'd lost so much weight, while I lay prone on the sofa, shaking and sweating and moaning. Good Job. Today I could FINALLY EAT but my body is still pretty pissed.
I went to an animal shelter with TLLC (somehow this qualified as "cultural group"?). It was nice to see the animals and not have to feel bad because it was a no kill shelter and all, but I DID NOT GET TO HOLD A CAT! Do you realize that I have not pet a cat since I got here? Dogs are always out on walks and are easy to pet, cats are much trickier. I miss my Phaedra so terribly. I just want a kitty to hold, dudes.
I'm back to eating today, but it was a total trial by fire. Eleven pounds in six days. I should feel great but I feel like shit, my body is all screwed up. I'm clammy and tired and I can't concentrate.
When I went back to the nutritionist she has a whole 'nother diet ready for me, I basically has to say "gimme a few weeks to recover, lady" because I could not even begin to wrap my head around another week of strict meal planning and everything. I might just go it alone and try to manage with just portion control and exercise. We shall see, but for the moment, thank god it's over. I'm going to have to buy all new bras.
On Sunday we went to a very lame "African" themed miniature golf course. (I got a hole-in-one! But lost anyway!) There were, like, these Tiki idols everywhere (ooh African. Very totally real, and for sure acurately African) and I SWEAR TO GOD they were painted up like minstrels! I was totally agog, but no one else shared my shock, or even seemed to pay any attention. The bizarre fucked-upness of the world continues to blow my mind.
On MOnday we had some groups and meetings and such but I was too cloudy from hunger to be able to make much sense out of it. People clapping because I'd lost so much weight, while I lay prone on the sofa, shaking and sweating and moaning. Good Job. Today I could FINALLY EAT but my body is still pretty pissed.
I went to an animal shelter with TLLC (somehow this qualified as "cultural group"?). It was nice to see the animals and not have to feel bad because it was a no kill shelter and all, but I DID NOT GET TO HOLD A CAT! Do you realize that I have not pet a cat since I got here? Dogs are always out on walks and are easy to pet, cats are much trickier. I miss my Phaedra so terribly. I just want a kitty to hold, dudes.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
New Me?
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I'm very weak from the cleanse now. I can barely lifet my pen (I write everything out on paper and then transfer to the computer, it's the only way I can think. Although the paper trail makes me feel like Harriet The Spy, ie, like I could get in trouble at any minute should it fall into the wrong hands). I know I know, I am such a horrible complainer because there are real African children and anorexics in this world, actual starving people. But this is my 4th day of almost only vegetables and water and I'm weak and feverish and shakey and I am probably going to die. I am a total baby, and I am totally dying.
I can barely even read, which is sad because I really want to get into my current book, which is "Gob's Grief" by Chris Adrian, who I have obviously become totally obsessed with.
Speaking of obsession, I have been playing therapist with a patient who has fallen into a strange sexual obsession with a therapist. Quite a tough nut to crack. Don't worry, I'm allowed to do this, for some reason. I guess they figure my pseudo-psychiatry can't hurt, and may be helping just as much as their stuff? Or they're just glad I'm keeping him occupid? Anyway, I'm fascinated.
My therapist had me write these "anger letters" to some people that I am angry with back at home. It turns out I am a lot madder than I thought I was! I am SO FRIGGIN MAD! Now I'm scared to turn it in because I don't want her to think I'm a rage-filled crazy person! I mean, I will. Give the letters to my therapist, that is. Because I want them out of my notebook, I feel like the letters are posioning my journal.
Today we saw "The Green Hornet" which was good because Seth Rogan, Michel Gondry, Surprise apperance by Franco, and non racist portrayal of Asian men! Ok, he was still good at math and karate. But so much more!
There are rumors of going to "Holy Land" soon, which is a Christian theme park that really does actually exist. I sincerely hope this happens because I LOVE fucked up shit.
Never bum a fox.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
So, as predicted, the main things filling my thoughts the past couple of days have been food food food food food. I am very hungry! It's making me feel weak and sick and shaky. Ugh, and I have to drink this hot water with lemon in it every morning? I know that doesn't sound that bad but the feeling of hot beverages going down my throat makes me almost gag, and any time a restaurant puts lemon in my water I immediately fish it out with a fork. It's so nast. Then I have to drink 8 big ol' glasses of water a day. Not to give TMI (jk! I love TMI!) , but I am peeing like TWENTY TIMES A DAY! It's HORRIBLE! I'm about ready to sit down on the toilet and cry. AND ANOTHER THING! I have to write down everything I eat, and it makes me feel like I have OCD. And you know what? I'm not even following the fucking thing to the letter! That's right, I am slightly cheating on my cleanse. Like today I had 2 servings of lean protein when I'm supposed to have 1, and 4 servings of fruit instead of 3. It sucks this bad and I'm not even doing it right! I've also been chewing sugar-free gum, which I don't think I'm supposed to do! God fucking damn it! And why did a zillion donuts all of a sudden appear in the villa as soon as I started this? There's never donuts around! What the hell?! I've never wanted donuts so bad. Ever. It's only day two!
The other thing that's going on is I got an interview at Glamour Shots and it was far from glamorous. The people there were fucking rude and unprofessional as hell (says the girl who immediately goes and blogs about their shitty business and will continue to do so even if she gets hired). I had to do a sample shoot and go off of these diagrams (every Glamour Shots session is exactly the same) but it was really hard because I have this disorder that makes it near impossible to process visual information (I know, it seems weird that I'm a photographer being as I have this problem, but usually photographic work doesn't involve exactly copying the work of other people). They kept me there for 2 hours, were totally condescending the whole time, and I hated every second of it. Also, Glamour Shots is a total rip and never go there. (I know, why would you go there? Well, maybe you would go as a joke. But trust me, if you want to get cheesy portraits as a joke, go to Sears. It's like 1/10th of the price and the only difference is they have less props, and you can bring in your own stupid props anyway, and Sears doesn't do your makeup. But who wants a nasty Glamour Shots employee all up in your grill doing your makeup all stupid, anyway?) AM I blowing this out of proportion, due to a fear of failure, a fear of success, or just because I hate having a job in general? Maybe. But a staff member came with me as my model (poor thing had to pose for 2 firggin hours, I'm taking her out for coffee) and she thought it was fucked up, too. Allllll that being said, I could still potentially get the job. I wasn't totally incompetent, and my portfolio is really good. (Do they even believe it's my portfolio? I AM A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER, IN MY WAY). But the Glamour Shots job, it could happen. And I will take it, and hate every bloody minute of it, if that happens. But I will keep looking for something else. I'm rather work at fuckin' Sears again, honestly.
Finally, I woke up this morning with a bloody boob! I had clawed the crap out of my tit in my sleep! Whaaaat is haaaappeining to meeeee? Am I a werewolf? Is puberty finally ending? Heeeelp!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Main Developments Over the Last Two Days
Housemate: I now have another girl living in the house with me and she seems very sweet. It's too soon to tell, of course. These people can turn, and fast. But she really does seem very sweet. And she is from Columbia! The country, not the school. My dad spent years in Columbia, so it's actually a place I know a little about, which is neat. She also has an eating disorder. At first this scared me because I was worried I would gross her out, you know, because I'm so friggin' fat, but the therapist basically told me that was ridiculous. So, OK, glad to have a roommate.
Bicycle: I got a bike! OK, it isn't cool. Everyone at the Villa is under the impression that it's cool, but they are mistaken. It's a Schwinn cruiser from Target. I'm not ready for a fixie, guys! Plus my parents gave me a $150 giftcard to Target, and I could have sent it back and gotten cash instead but I didn't really want to ask them and I don't really have a way to go around and check out used bikes. So, I got the best Target had to offer. The handle bars are kind of weird and low and the ride is pretty bumpy, but I'll get used to it. It will be great to have, finally. I'll be able to get to the house and the Villa and TLLC and everything on my own, plus I can go out into Orlando and check stuff out by myself. So, yay bike!
Parents: I talked to them in a Family Session with my therapist. It's getting ridiculous. I get so frustrated and worked up I feel like I'm gonna barf out tears. I don't know if this is ever going to change.
Nutritionist: So I went to the Nutritionist. This is because I'm a fatty and a picky eater and have very little self awareness and self control and self esteem and blah blah blah blah self self self self. It's going to be a six week program, but the first week is gonna get me. She put me on a week-long cleanse and all I'm allowed to eat is 3 servings of lean protein a day (that basically means chicken, seafood, nuts, or beans. Oh shit I forgot to buy beans!), 3 servings of fruit a day, and, hooray, all the vegetables I want (I don't much like vegetables and I rarely eat them, so this is little consolation). Aaah I'm scared! I'm going to be so hungry I'm gonna freeeeeaaakk! I don't wanna do it. But I gotta do it. I think that being fat really is OK and it really shouldn't be stigmatized the way it is and whatever weight people are most happy at, that is where they are most beautiful. That being said, I am not PERSONALLY happy with being fat. My self esteem is too fragile, I care too much about what people think, and I care too much about clothes. Plus size stores are not acceptable, y'all! They are for old ladies and goth teenagers. I just want to wear regular sizes so I never have to go in to one of those stores ever again.
Stank: Apparently someone told my therapist that I don't smell good! And bad hygiene is a sign of worsening mental illness so they are always all over that shit. OK, I want to be very clear, I don't stink! I just smell like a HUMAN. It's OK for people to smell like people! All the other girls here smell like flowery fruit chemicals and it's disgusting/ Who decided that humans should smell totally artificial? Was it those same geniuses who decided we couldn't have body hair? Are we eventually going to start lacquering our skin and turning into mannequins? Turn into hairless beings who can't touch anything without hand sanitizer (preferably scented like rose mango or some such grossness)? Even though being informed that one person thought I smelled bad on one day was super embarrassing and makes me inclined to armpit paranoia, I can't let it. I'm plenty clean. I wear deodorant, I take showers, god help me I even wear make up and shave my legs. So fuck all them haters! I am woman hear me roar! (Someone also said my room stank and, admittedly, it does. It's clean. though! But I've got to find some shit like Febreeze or whatever, in a scent that doesn't make me want to die).
That Picture Up Thurr:
That is seriously what is above the main door in the Villa. The decorating sense here is distinctly Liberace-ian.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Yesterday started off OK, in that we finally went to Gator Land, which was full of kitschy goodness. All the signage was written in a thick red neck dialect of some sort. I saw a (truly) giant alligator that had narrowly escaped being put to death for eating dogs. My only complaint was that the gator wrestling routine involved a bunch of sexist jokes? Why?
I've been drifting further and further away from the "group" and any semblance of popularity. These people are just too lame and they clearly don't get my thing and think I'm just some kind of nerd who watches movies with subtitles or whatever. I wish I could say it doesn't bother me, but I am just a person who needs a lot of validation, even if it's from morons. I place a lot of importance on other people's opinion of me, perhaps too much. I guess this is teaching me a lesson, but it still sucks. I even felt this way in Sacramento. Being just a little bit on the outskirts of the gang because of not drinking or mild agoraphobia or being married or just not being as cool really made me sad and kind of desperate. I guess this is teaching me a lesson, then, but it still sucks.
Later in the day things turned awful. I had two extremely horrible and pain inducing phone conversations. Basically cried myself to sleep. There are people back at home, several people, people who I am very very close to, that I feel like have all but given up on me. These are people who are not supposed to do that. There are some people in this life who, I think, are tied to you in such a way that they should just keep trying, no matter what. And I'm here, in an unfairly horrible situation, doing the best I can to work on myself, and it sucks to feel like very important people in my life aren't gunning for me, and aren't even necessarily going to be there when I get back. I'm really not a very trusting person, I EXPECT people to hurt me and leave me. Just not these people. I'm not blameless, but it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter what I've done. I'm here trying to make amends and they are supposed to be in my corner.
So I cried and cried and cried, which is very embarrassing considering there is always fucking night staff out in the living room, people paid to monitor me all night long. I know, they are just doing their job, but I hate them. And one of them stole my fucking gum.
Today I woke up still very upset, but I managed to get up and I had a talk with my therapist and then I felt a little better. Not better enough to go to the YMCA, but better enough to go watch "True Grit" later. It was pretty good, but I don't have much to say about it.
Writing this stuff is becoming harder. When it started out I didn't want to censor myself at all. But in my excitement I think I told too many people, too many people, because soon there were readers who I DO feel like I can't be totally balls-out with. And, frankly, some of what I do here is just flat-out wish I could be having sex and smoking weed. Or both at once! Agh, sorry. See what I mean? It sucks that, like, my UNCLE is going to read that. The other thing is, I never meant this to be funny. Sometimes when I am writing seriously it comes out funny, because that's just how I talk or whatever, I don't know. But when people started telling me how funny they thought the thing was, I started to feel like I needed to KEEP it funny. Not that I'm mad at people for lol-ing or anything! I'm flattered! It's totally my own hang-up. But now I stop myself from writing long soliloquies about my complicated feelings and shit. And sometimes I even feel like I need to stay in the "I fucking hate this place and I want Sacramento" mode and like I can't say "Maybe this is OK" or "I am falling into a decent routine" because people at home are going to think I don't care about them or I've gone soft or take it as an admission of craziness. I don't want that. But then yesterday someone told me that they couldn't really tell much about my mental state from the blog and that it wasn't very introspective. Some people are less easily charmed by me than others. I don't want to only be writing a sad, confused, completely inward account of my time here, but I also don't want it to be a log of my daily activities plus jokes. I just want to impress people so much. It's becoming impossible. Blog feelings! Nuts!
Friday, January 7, 2011
So, as perhaps you guessed, we did NOT get to go to Gator Land yesterday. It rained for like one minute and everyone pussied out. The extreme lack of creativity here is oppressive. I didn't even realize how spoiled I was back at home. Everyone there is so brilliant and interesting! No one wants to get the Chinese character for "love" tattooed on their ankle, no one BUYS and WEARS shirts with logos of friggin' ENERGY DRINKS on them. These people aren't stupid, they are just BORING. I had no idea how the rest of the world rolled.
So, guess what we did instead? We went bowling. FOR FIVE HOURS. I could've died. That is lethal, I'm so serious. You take away a woman's Gator Land and then expose her to seemingly endless bowling, you are seriously risking fatal results. I made it through, obviously. I mostly just read and talked to a few people. I do enjoy some of the conversations I have here. In fact, at closure group, two different people mentioned that the best part of their day had been talking to me and that I was really helpful with their shit. And then the nurse pulled me aside and said that I should really consider becoming a therapist. The more I think about it, the more I realize I really kind of WANT to do that. I had considered it previously, but always decided against it because I thought it would be too scary. WEll, now I'm around psychotic people all the time and I'm not scared. But with this realization comes the hard truth that if I wanted to go back to school, I'd have to pay my own way. Like, get loans AND work a full time job while studying and all that shit. And I'd have to go to grad school too, oh lord. But I really wanna gooooo! I just can't think about the future right now. I need to do this shit right in front of me. Things will fall into place.
One amazing things that happened yesterday was we had CINNAMON LIFE CEREAL for breakfast. Yessss! That was like the longest I'd gone without Cinnamon Life since I had TEETH. It's good, though, that we've only had it that one time because my life was kind of being governed by it. I had a real Cinnamon Life problem. Man can not exist of Cinnamon Life alone. But, I had it this one morning, and it was a beautiful thing.
Very little happened today. They changed the combination on the doors so that the kicked-out people can never come back! Heavenly! And we went to the ceramics place where I painted a mug very excellently, neon green on the outside and orange on the inside (Nickelodeon colors!) and then decorated it with a hamburger, a hotdog, and a piece of pizza. Radical!
The book I am currently reading is "Banvard's Folley" by Paul COllins, which is about momentarily famous eccentric people who have been forgotten by history. It's mostly quite good but I must admit I skipped two chapters. Sowwy. Next on deck is "Atmospheric Disturbances" by Rivka Galchen. I'll keep you posted. I hope you don't mind all the book talk. In fact, I hope you pick up a copy at your local library!
Please write to me. I'm pissed at you for not writing! But I still love you.
So, guess what we did instead? We went bowling. FOR FIVE HOURS. I could've died. That is lethal, I'm so serious. You take away a woman's Gator Land and then expose her to seemingly endless bowling, you are seriously risking fatal results. I made it through, obviously. I mostly just read and talked to a few people. I do enjoy some of the conversations I have here. In fact, at closure group, two different people mentioned that the best part of their day had been talking to me and that I was really helpful with their shit. And then the nurse pulled me aside and said that I should really consider becoming a therapist. The more I think about it, the more I realize I really kind of WANT to do that. I had considered it previously, but always decided against it because I thought it would be too scary. WEll, now I'm around psychotic people all the time and I'm not scared. But with this realization comes the hard truth that if I wanted to go back to school, I'd have to pay my own way. Like, get loans AND work a full time job while studying and all that shit. And I'd have to go to grad school too, oh lord. But I really wanna gooooo! I just can't think about the future right now. I need to do this shit right in front of me. Things will fall into place.
One amazing things that happened yesterday was we had CINNAMON LIFE CEREAL for breakfast. Yessss! That was like the longest I'd gone without Cinnamon Life since I had TEETH. It's good, though, that we've only had it that one time because my life was kind of being governed by it. I had a real Cinnamon Life problem. Man can not exist of Cinnamon Life alone. But, I had it this one morning, and it was a beautiful thing.
Very little happened today. They changed the combination on the doors so that the kicked-out people can never come back! Heavenly! And we went to the ceramics place where I painted a mug very excellently, neon green on the outside and orange on the inside (Nickelodeon colors!) and then decorated it with a hamburger, a hotdog, and a piece of pizza. Radical!
The book I am currently reading is "Banvard's Folley" by Paul COllins, which is about momentarily famous eccentric people who have been forgotten by history. It's mostly quite good but I must admit I skipped two chapters. Sowwy. Next on deck is "Atmospheric Disturbances" by Rivka Galchen. I'll keep you posted. I hope you don't mind all the book talk. In fact, I hope you pick up a copy at your local library!
Please write to me. I'm pissed at you for not writing! But I still love you.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Didn't Even Have To Use My AK
A good day. In the morning, we had toaster strudel. I didn't eat any, but I enjoyed thinking about it. Invented by the father of Gretchen Weiners, you know.
The doctor is changing my sleeping medication to Ambien. I wake up like 4 or 5 times a night, which is normal for me, but apparently not good. And my current sleep meds are making me drowsy during the day. So, good. Have you heard about Ambien sex? I hear it's pretty freaky. Not that I will be partaking, obviously. I finally got my library books, hooray! I have already made my way through 2 of them, "Sterling's Gold: The Wit and Wisdom of an Ad Man", which was, disappointingly, just a collection of Mad Men quotes; and "The Selby is In Your Place" which is fucking lovely. I've always adored the Selby and it's particular brand of hipster home-decor fetishism, and it is one of my fondest ambitions to be featured on their website.
Ten Items In The Selby Book That I Wish Were Mine:
1. Erin Wasson's shoe collection
2. The Neistat brothers' couch with the lyrics to "Juicy" by Notorious B.I.G. on it
3. Philip and Abigail Smiley's moon lamp
4. Jacques Grange's Narwhal Tusk
5. Jacques Grange's bottle of sleeping pills prescribed to Marilyn Monroe
6. Garick Gott and Terence Koh's albino peacock taxidermy
7. Oliver Zahn's collection of vintage paperback erotic novels
8. Lou Dillon's two-headed rooster taxidermy
9. Lou Dillon's Tracey Emin bag
10. Melia Marden and Frank Sisti Jr's prawn phone
Anyway, now I've moved on to "A Better Angel", which is a collection of short stories by Chris Adrian, who is the author of "The Children's Hospital", the book I was previously raving about. It has a lot of the same characters and situations, as if he took all of his stories and shoved them into one magnificent novel. I am a little bit saddened to see his picture in the back, though. When you admire someone, you expect them to be, if not outright attractive, at least wise-looking and well dressed. Such is not the case. Oh well, that's OK. Boooooooks!
I spent the whole day at TLLC today which is so calming and productive and nice. We worked on budgeting (which is a skill I really must learn, although it is hard here when all my needs are being completely taken care of as if I was a child), job searches (something I also need to perfect, and fast), we went to the Y (stationary bike and Top Chef All Stars), social skills (assertiveness, which I think I'm pretty good at, except sometimes with people I'm extremely close with, I can get pretty passive-aggressive, and also just plain aggressive. So I guess maybe I could use some work), and cooking (chicken brian, gross).
Then, the icing on my good day cake. Awful faux-gangsta white boy got Baker-Acted! (That means he was forcibly taken to a psych ward by the police!). Maybe he won't be back! And despicable skater boy got dismissed for continuing to fuck other patients and using drugs! Yes! I am winning this war! For sanity!
And tomorrow is going to be awesome because we are going to GatorLand! Aaaahh! Expect a radically gator-centric post tomorrow!
The doctor is changing my sleeping medication to Ambien. I wake up like 4 or 5 times a night, which is normal for me, but apparently not good. And my current sleep meds are making me drowsy during the day. So, good. Have you heard about Ambien sex? I hear it's pretty freaky. Not that I will be partaking, obviously. I finally got my library books, hooray! I have already made my way through 2 of them, "Sterling's Gold: The Wit and Wisdom of an Ad Man", which was, disappointingly, just a collection of Mad Men quotes; and "The Selby is In Your Place" which is fucking lovely. I've always adored the Selby and it's particular brand of hipster home-decor fetishism, and it is one of my fondest ambitions to be featured on their website.
Ten Items In The Selby Book That I Wish Were Mine:
1. Erin Wasson's shoe collection
2. The Neistat brothers' couch with the lyrics to "Juicy" by Notorious B.I.G. on it
3. Philip and Abigail Smiley's moon lamp
4. Jacques Grange's Narwhal Tusk
5. Jacques Grange's bottle of sleeping pills prescribed to Marilyn Monroe
6. Garick Gott and Terence Koh's albino peacock taxidermy
7. Oliver Zahn's collection of vintage paperback erotic novels
8. Lou Dillon's two-headed rooster taxidermy
9. Lou Dillon's Tracey Emin bag
10. Melia Marden and Frank Sisti Jr's prawn phone
Anyway, now I've moved on to "A Better Angel", which is a collection of short stories by Chris Adrian, who is the author of "The Children's Hospital", the book I was previously raving about. It has a lot of the same characters and situations, as if he took all of his stories and shoved them into one magnificent novel. I am a little bit saddened to see his picture in the back, though. When you admire someone, you expect them to be, if not outright attractive, at least wise-looking and well dressed. Such is not the case. Oh well, that's OK. Boooooooks!
I spent the whole day at TLLC today which is so calming and productive and nice. We worked on budgeting (which is a skill I really must learn, although it is hard here when all my needs are being completely taken care of as if I was a child), job searches (something I also need to perfect, and fast), we went to the Y (stationary bike and Top Chef All Stars), social skills (assertiveness, which I think I'm pretty good at, except sometimes with people I'm extremely close with, I can get pretty passive-aggressive, and also just plain aggressive. So I guess maybe I could use some work), and cooking (chicken brian, gross).
Then, the icing on my good day cake. Awful faux-gangsta white boy got Baker-Acted! (That means he was forcibly taken to a psych ward by the police!). Maybe he won't be back! And despicable skater boy got dismissed for continuing to fuck other patients and using drugs! Yes! I am winning this war! For sanity!
And tomorrow is going to be awesome because we are going to GatorLand! Aaaahh! Expect a radically gator-centric post tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Sunday- In the morning, the people at the villa were seriously watching a television program called "My Dog Ate What?" On this episode: a tennis ball, a zipper, and rat poison! I was totally transfixed. How could this exist? They even had dramatic re-enactments! By the way, the worst thing my dog ever ate? A baited fish hook.
Later in the day they took us to a bike trail. Almost no one wanted to go, which was fine by me. It was really nice and overcast out, and I saw a fenced-in emu. Riding a bike with your headphones on is such a god damn treat. It's so meditative. Although my ipod shuffle has been driving me crazy by not being shuffle-y enough. Apparently I ONLY want to listen to tracks off "Nuggets" and "Nirvana Unplugged"?
Monday- Bloody awful. Couldn't go to the library. Couldn't go to turn in applications. Freaked out because, after promises of letting me advance, they only increased my TLLC time by one day (a little less, actually). Crying, not "yelling" but voice-raising for sure.
There was an INSANE community group with people going totally nuts (although MY comments got called "heroic" by the leading therapist. Yeah bitches! I am better at therapy than errybody!).
Oh God but THEN I had the most fucking terrible family meeting over speaker phone. I just, ugh. I don't even want to talk about it. Awful awful awful. Awful waffle.
Oh, and I also missed going to Super Target, which, usually, what the fuck ever. But, remember when my credit card got stolen?? They didn't mail me a new one until TODAY (and I'm not allowed to use it until I make a budget with my therapist, and my use of it is going to be monitored) so I haven't had any money in ages. I did, however, get a $150 Target gift card from my parents. So I did, begrudgingly, want to go to dumb old Super Target, but that didn't happen. I was so pissed. I just spent the whole day angry and sad.
Today- Wanted to get a lot done, but got very little done. OK, that isn't entirely true. I went to the gym, and I went to the groups. The gym is actually pretty groovy (I KNOW SO LAME), if I can find "America's Next Top Model" on TV. If not? Fuck dat shit. The groups were Medical group and THought Disorders, where the topic was self-esteem. In Medical Group, the psychiatrist who prescribes us meds explains brain functions and chemicals and how the meds affect it and stuff like that. I kind of wish I had studied psychiatry in college. I dig it. Too late now. As for the self-esteem thing, well, I have shitty self-esteem, but don't we all? I pretty much feel too doggish to live. I can't see that changing.
I went to the mall to try to turn in an application at the JC-fuckin-Penney's portrait studio, but they were closed. For the zillionth day in a row, no one could drive me to the library. But I will try to concentrate on the good things. It was better than yesterday.
Later in the day they took us to a bike trail. Almost no one wanted to go, which was fine by me. It was really nice and overcast out, and I saw a fenced-in emu. Riding a bike with your headphones on is such a god damn treat. It's so meditative. Although my ipod shuffle has been driving me crazy by not being shuffle-y enough. Apparently I ONLY want to listen to tracks off "Nuggets" and "Nirvana Unplugged"?
Monday- Bloody awful. Couldn't go to the library. Couldn't go to turn in applications. Freaked out because, after promises of letting me advance, they only increased my TLLC time by one day (a little less, actually). Crying, not "yelling" but voice-raising for sure.
There was an INSANE community group with people going totally nuts (although MY comments got called "heroic" by the leading therapist. Yeah bitches! I am better at therapy than errybody!).
Oh God but THEN I had the most fucking terrible family meeting over speaker phone. I just, ugh. I don't even want to talk about it. Awful awful awful. Awful waffle.
Oh, and I also missed going to Super Target, which, usually, what the fuck ever. But, remember when my credit card got stolen?? They didn't mail me a new one until TODAY (and I'm not allowed to use it until I make a budget with my therapist, and my use of it is going to be monitored) so I haven't had any money in ages. I did, however, get a $150 Target gift card from my parents. So I did, begrudgingly, want to go to dumb old Super Target, but that didn't happen. I was so pissed. I just spent the whole day angry and sad.
Today- Wanted to get a lot done, but got very little done. OK, that isn't entirely true. I went to the gym, and I went to the groups. The gym is actually pretty groovy (I KNOW SO LAME), if I can find "America's Next Top Model" on TV. If not? Fuck dat shit. The groups were Medical group and THought Disorders, where the topic was self-esteem. In Medical Group, the psychiatrist who prescribes us meds explains brain functions and chemicals and how the meds affect it and stuff like that. I kind of wish I had studied psychiatry in college. I dig it. Too late now. As for the self-esteem thing, well, I have shitty self-esteem, but don't we all? I pretty much feel too doggish to live. I can't see that changing.
I went to the mall to try to turn in an application at the JC-fuckin-Penney's portrait studio, but they were closed. For the zillionth day in a row, no one could drive me to the library. But I will try to concentrate on the good things. It was better than yesterday.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Pure Class. (Start Snitchin')
I want to start off by saying I had a really wonderful, difficult conversation with Jon last night and I can feel my world view shifting but from now on I am not going to talk about Jon stuff. Because, first of all, it isn't very funny or interesting to other people, but secondly, and most importantly, (because really, who am i trying to entertain?), it's none of your business. Blogging about Jon is not helping anyone, so it is gone now. On to your regularly scheduled programming!
Today was classy as HELL. We went to an indoor swap meet, and then a total dirt amusement park!
OK, swap meet first. I will begin by clarifying the difference between a swap meet and a flea market. In my vernacular, a flea market is a joyous event where people sell mostly vintage and antique junk and you find amazing things that totally change your life. A swap meet, on the other hand, is a really gross, semi-shady affair where they sell really cheap, and above all really crappy, NEW goods. Knock off Nike t-shirts, angel figurines, things of that nature. You can still find cool things, but it will mostly be of the kitsch persuasion. (I once found a cigarette lighter shaped like Saddam Hussein's head). So, yeesh, this was DEFINITELY of the swap meet persuasion. I didn't have any money but if I HAD, they had some pins that all represented different Native American tribes, which would have been most excellent bought as a collection. Maybe we'll go back, but I doubt it. Mostly wigs, bongs, and baby alligator heads. Even I was grossed out.
Then, directly behind the swap meet, was Fun Spot. OK, so you know the county fair? OK, that would be EXTREMELY impressive next to Fun Spot. They had seriously maybe half a dozen little carnival rides, a GO-Kart track, and an arcade. That's it. Oh, except they had UNLIMITED SODAS! Oh how we love soda around here.
While the majority of the "residents" (yes, that is what we're called. We're not allowed to say "patients") were trying to win iphones from arcade games (yes that is TOTALLY going to happen) I went on a couple of rides with some people I don't hate. I am a Scrambler fiend! Love that Scrambler! But after that and something called "Paratrooper" it became apparent that it was either time to stop or risk spewing. And, since Garth Algar wasn't there with a tiny cup for me to spew in, I sat my ass down. Then I saw an old man wearing the most terrifying wig of all time. I think it might have been a Beatle wig from the Halloween store. It terrified me to look at it!
OK, so guess what happened in the van on the way home? Well, two things. First of all, we saw Universal Studios on fire. They had to evacuate! A water ride straight went up in flames! I can't decide if I'm glad I wasn't there, or really desperately wish I was.
But, in bigger (for my purposes) van ride news, that asshole white boy with a fucking ghetto complex was talking openly about how he had somehow obtained a fucking BB GUN when we were at the swap meet! And you know what? I fucking told on him. I don't trust that kid with a gun, no sir. I was weighing the options, though, until he started going off about faggots, once again. And when I asked him to stop? He called me a "giant homo cunt". Boom. You're getting told on. Yes, I am a huge Narc. But I do feel bad. Not because I told on that little piece of shit, but because I'm worried about people turning on me. But, yeah, the cops got called, he freaked out all over the place. I just hope he gets tossed out. WIshing negative things on people really sucks, but he's making everyone lose their shit. The cutters are threatening to cut, the Asperger's cases can't stop talking, the schizophrenics are having bad visions. And then I'm the relatively sane girl stuck in the eye of the hurricane. I'm feeling very responsible for everything. Tried to distract one of the cutters by playing "MASH" (it's a grade-school fortune telling game, and you should know it). At the same tried tried to entertain conversations with some of the others. Don't know how long it can hold! This baby's gonna blowwww!
Today was classy as HELL. We went to an indoor swap meet, and then a total dirt amusement park!
OK, swap meet first. I will begin by clarifying the difference between a swap meet and a flea market. In my vernacular, a flea market is a joyous event where people sell mostly vintage and antique junk and you find amazing things that totally change your life. A swap meet, on the other hand, is a really gross, semi-shady affair where they sell really cheap, and above all really crappy, NEW goods. Knock off Nike t-shirts, angel figurines, things of that nature. You can still find cool things, but it will mostly be of the kitsch persuasion. (I once found a cigarette lighter shaped like Saddam Hussein's head). So, yeesh, this was DEFINITELY of the swap meet persuasion. I didn't have any money but if I HAD, they had some pins that all represented different Native American tribes, which would have been most excellent bought as a collection. Maybe we'll go back, but I doubt it. Mostly wigs, bongs, and baby alligator heads. Even I was grossed out.
Then, directly behind the swap meet, was Fun Spot. OK, so you know the county fair? OK, that would be EXTREMELY impressive next to Fun Spot. They had seriously maybe half a dozen little carnival rides, a GO-Kart track, and an arcade. That's it. Oh, except they had UNLIMITED SODAS! Oh how we love soda around here.
While the majority of the "residents" (yes, that is what we're called. We're not allowed to say "patients") were trying to win iphones from arcade games (yes that is TOTALLY going to happen) I went on a couple of rides with some people I don't hate. I am a Scrambler fiend! Love that Scrambler! But after that and something called "Paratrooper" it became apparent that it was either time to stop or risk spewing. And, since Garth Algar wasn't there with a tiny cup for me to spew in, I sat my ass down. Then I saw an old man wearing the most terrifying wig of all time. I think it might have been a Beatle wig from the Halloween store. It terrified me to look at it!
OK, so guess what happened in the van on the way home? Well, two things. First of all, we saw Universal Studios on fire. They had to evacuate! A water ride straight went up in flames! I can't decide if I'm glad I wasn't there, or really desperately wish I was.
But, in bigger (for my purposes) van ride news, that asshole white boy with a fucking ghetto complex was talking openly about how he had somehow obtained a fucking BB GUN when we were at the swap meet! And you know what? I fucking told on him. I don't trust that kid with a gun, no sir. I was weighing the options, though, until he started going off about faggots, once again. And when I asked him to stop? He called me a "giant homo cunt". Boom. You're getting told on. Yes, I am a huge Narc. But I do feel bad. Not because I told on that little piece of shit, but because I'm worried about people turning on me. But, yeah, the cops got called, he freaked out all over the place. I just hope he gets tossed out. WIshing negative things on people really sucks, but he's making everyone lose their shit. The cutters are threatening to cut, the Asperger's cases can't stop talking, the schizophrenics are having bad visions. And then I'm the relatively sane girl stuck in the eye of the hurricane. I'm feeling very responsible for everything. Tried to distract one of the cutters by playing "MASH" (it's a grade-school fortune telling game, and you should know it). At the same tried tried to entertain conversations with some of the others. Don't know how long it can hold! This baby's gonna blowwww!
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