Monday, November 29, 2010

Not the worst day ever

I have managed to develop a couple of unlikely crushes on some patients here. I'd heard that this would happen. I hear it's even worse in rehab. These are people who aren't particularly good looking, not people I would hang out with in real life (shirts emblazoned with brand names, not band names; hair neatly maintained). And, obviously THEY LIVE IN A FUCKING MENTAL INSTITUTION! Plus, I'm in love with someone else.
So, yes, basically the most guaranteed-to-be-fruitless crushes that ever existed. But, whatever. It passes the time. Are we even allowed to make out with each other here? I dare not ask.
My main excursions today were to Target and that horrid dirt mall. But I'm kind of getting to like some people, so, if those I do not like so much could be avoided, it was actually kind of... fun? Of course not nearly as much fun as I am capable of having (oh, to get stoned in the Sacramento summer and go to the river!) but fun of at least some degree. I guess if I am able to have some pleasant moments here, it might actually get me OUT of here earlier! It's progress, right? Right.
One of the patients put together a very comprehensive guided meditation that was pretty cool. It involved scents, colors, and jewelry totems. I wasn't able to meditate, not on any level, but I could tell that in a different state of mind it would have been very great. We got to keep our little totems, too. Mine is a tear-drop shaped piece of polished green glass, with a loop to be hung on a necklace. It was chosen for me, but seems to fit rather nicely.
Later in the day I actually wrote some poetry, an activity that I haven't involved myself in for YEARS. I still seem to have the same go-to imagery, though. Bones, arteries, and the filling of spaces seem to be present in quite a few of my different poems. I have no idea why.

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