Monday, November 22, 2010

Florida is not California

Although people seem to get confused over which one is "the sunshine state" (it's Florida, California is the Golden State), Florida is in fact very different than California.
For instance, did you know that in Florida, if you pay money, you can have a special "Choose Life" license plate? That's right, the government is making money off the promotion of something that is a religious, anti-government stance! Whaaaaat the hell?
Also, you aren't going to believe this, but there is NO RECYCLING here. If you want to recycle, you have to buy your own bins, then haul them over to the recycling center yourself. It is not city sponsored! PEOPLE THROW AWAY BOTTLES AND CANS! It's so fucking weird and every time I have to put something recyclable in the garbage it gives me the creeps. Additionally, there are no Co-ops in the whole city! There is Whole Foods, but I prefer to shop local, duh!
Also, in Florida, at least as far as I've seen, people do not wear seatbelts. They also are still allowed to talk on their cell phones while they drive. And text!
Why is California so awesome and Florida so not awesome? God damn it, Florida. I thought coastal states were supposed to be cool! Step up your game, Florida!

Today we went to what is called a "super" Target. It was so big it had it's own parking garage. I had to get some very exciting items like hair bands, a mouse pad, and tampons. Thrillsville. Anyway, it was going OK until two patients, the same two patients it always is, having some kind of crazy altercation in the parking lot. It was over who got shotgun. It ended with one of them screaming across the place "We're from a psychiatric facility!" It was so mortifying that it made me cry.

Also went to the YMCA and worked out for a full half hour. I pray that I continue to kick ass in this arena. And sorry, I don't mean this to be a weight-loss story. Everyone is beautiful! Especially the people reading this blog!

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