Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Do you like manatees? I sure like manatees. They are all chubbed out and have little eyes like a hamster! I do not like the show "South Park", but they occasionally make jokes about manatees and those are golden. Like once they suggested that "Family Guy" is written by manatees, which makes sense, because manatees are very stupid. That's OK with me, though! Also my favorite singer/songwriter Kimya Dawson is a manatee! So manatees are grrrreat!
That is why I lobbied so hard for us to take a trip to Blue Springs. Florida is full of manatees (one of it's few charms) and Blue Springs is the best place to see them, at least around these parts. But the sucky thing is that they mostly onlyhang out when it's cold, and it, like, isn't. There were 11 manatees that day, but sometimes there are more than 200! I saw 4. But at least they were real manatees!
Manatees look like this:

What I saw looked like this:

Except much further away.
But...manatees! Still!
I also had fun with some Villa people. We saw a dead fish and thought it was a dead baby manatee! We are retards. Baby manatees are like 4 feet long when they're born. This fish was like 1 foot. And it was a fucking catfish. Oh, we're dummies. Just like manatees!
Final thought:

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