Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I didn't write for a little while. I am still feeling quite cautious regarding who may be reading this. So I'm just going to say a few little things or analyze pop culture events from now on. Or at least for the time being.
It's been hard for awhile. I feel like I've met my breaking point on a few different things. Lack of contact with the people at home, dealing with the people who are here. We've been expirementing with my sleeping meds, which has led to various disturbances. It's a veritable sleepy rollercoaster.
There has been DRAMA around here. One girl ran away like five times in three days. She finally got discharged, but it was way stressful. It causes the staff to kind of freak out and run around, and all treatment or whatever else ends up pushed to the side. She was a nice girl, but this obviously wasn't the place for her and everyone ended up suffering for it. I feel like being much bitchier about this topic, but, like I said, I'm nervous about total honesty right now. So let's move on to slightly bitchier things.
Everyone hates the new girl. She talks constantly, she lies, she complains. In a way it's brought the patients together, all sharing a mutual disgust. I AM trying to be proactive about it, though. I've been attempting to kind of constructively explain things to her, at the urging of my therapist. I don't really know if it's working. In fact, I don't think it is. I don't think she can see past her own nose. But whaaaatever. I'm transitioning into full time TLLC so I won't have to deal with her too much, soon enough. I hope. Oh god do I hope.


  1. Hey Carla, I am bummed that you can't be fully honest on your own blog. Your ability to be completely honest is one of my favorite things about your writing. How did you find out that other staff people were reading it?

  2. my therapist told me. i might start another one, i'm not sure exactly. i might just get over it, too.
