Yesterday at the villa, we had the morning group from hell. No one seems to be able to stop being purposefully offensive and utterly juvenile for one god damn minute. I was so pissed off and frustrated, I was seriously a hair away from jumping off the couch and screaming at everyone. I'm actually surprised I didn't do it. Afterwards I was so worked up I could barely unclench my fists. But I talked to one of the therapists and we formulated a plan to bring in some sensitivity training. They have some programs that are kind of fun and aimed at young people, they used to run them sometimes at the Teen Center, back in the day. So, hopefully some good is going to come from this utter fucking mess.
I feel like I've hit some kind of one-month wall. All of a sudden I'm missing home way more, falling back on bad eating habits, and getting more and more annoyed with the idiot patients here. I don't know what my problem is. I need to step my shit up.
We went and saw "The Fighter" and it was pretty incredible. Go see it! Some fine, fine acting in that movie. Seeing something that I enjoyed helped calm me down somewhat.
At the end of the day I went to a thrift store where I found a copy of "The Yiddish Policemen's Union", another Michael Chabon book, which I have been meaning to read. So far it's a little noir-ish for my tastes, but I'll give it a few chapters. My Favorite Schizophrenic asked to borrow it when I was done, so I'm excited to give it to him. Speaking of Schizophrenics and books, my second favorite schizophrenic can see auras! How cool is that! A giant mechanic from Long Island, and he can see auras! He didn't even know what it was called, he just told me recently that he could see different colors coming from different people and I was like "Dude, that is an incredible gift that can be used for good!" So I am going to get him a book on the power of healing auras and I hope he chooses to use his talent.
Anyway, today was much easier. We went to the science museum (well, a few of us. Most people are too uncreative to get off the fucking couch for anything but bowling, the mall, or an action movie). The science museum was incredibly cool. There were crystals, dinosaur bones, an old planetarium that has been converted into an insane movie theatre, a booth that simulates a hurricane, all sorts of cool shit. I love science museums! That's pretty much all that occurred today. Sundays are usually pretty sparse. I tried to convince people against eating veal at dinner, but no one would listen to me. Pretty much a hell of a lot of people think I'm an uptight liberal bitch. Whatever. You don't know me! I do what I want!
Took pictures at the science museum so I will have some to post for the time being! Look, it's the same model that's on the cover of In Utero! Unfortunately I ran out of battery power before we reached the dinosaur room, but I've still got some stuff that I like.
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