I woke up having had some very intense dreams. First there was a very frustrating, "Groundhog Day"-style dream that seemed to go on forever. God, this PLACE is like "Groundhog Day". I just hope that the lesson I need to learn isn't to get good at bowling. Then, right before I woke up, I dreamt I was flying over hills and forests wearing an enormously poofy wedding dress that felt like a down comforter. That one is open to interpretation.
The day was absolutely all about a big trip to the obscenely huge and quite fancy Florida Mall. I, of course, don't really dig malls too much, plus I already got gifts for everyone I needed to get gifts for, because I totally rock at Christmas shopping. So I just kept to myself and tried to find some things I needed like a belt (successful) and some jeans (unsuccessful). Buying jeans is even more painful than buying bras. Towards the end of the seemingly endless mall trip I did hang out with some residents who I do, begrudgingly, enjoy. So that's nice. But I'm also kind of irritated that I even have to make friends here. Even if they're nice, there is still no reason for me to even know these people. Do that make any sense?
Back at the main treatment center, I finished my book. I'm in mourning. I never wanted it to end. Now I have started "Water for Elephants" by Sarah Gruen, so there is hope for me yet.
We're doing a secret santa thing here. I pulled the giant guido schizophrenic, aka my SECOND favorite schizophrenic. Actually, I pulled the pathetic, angry little white gangsta, aka my sworn enemy (although I don't think he knows this). Thank god that my second favorite schizophrenic confided in me that he had pulled his own name and didn't know what to do. I happily swapped with him. I bought him a notebook with Diet Coke on the cover, because he is the main leader of the great Florida soda wars. His lust for Diet Coke knows no bounds. When they cut him off of Diet Coke, he buys Diet Cokes for other people and just watched them drink it. I hope he digs the present.
After the mall, the day was pretty much uneventful, except for some rather disturbing acting-out at closure group. But, whatever. On to another day.
I have next to nothing to report about today. I went to the YMCA, you know what that's about. I went to the pottery painting place, I've told you about that, too. Nothing really new.
I've pretty much established myself as the favorite "just friends" girl among the boys of the program. Only my room mate gets any attention in a "not just friends" way. I comfort myself by knowing that, a) I absolutely don't want to hook up with these people anyway, b) I told everyone that I am married (true) so they mentally crossed me off the list, c) at least I have friends and am popular, and d) I don't have to be involved in any of the despicable high school drama that in-house relationships invariably bring. So, good all around. I don't need boys throwing themselves at my feet out of insane, overwhelming love. No sir.
The picture on top is of Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis making out.
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