We went to the beach about a week ago, and the beach was really wonderful! Happiness is seeing a teenager digging a really huge hole in the sand, and then seeing his five-year-old brother run up and say "Is that for your butt?" I had never swam in the Atlantic ocean before. I hadn't even swam in the ocean at all in like 10 years. And let me tell you, it's amazing. Waves, you guys! I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know, but please indulge my child-like sense of wonderment! Waves! Sand! Whoah!
One friend and I were the only ones who even had the desire to go into the water (babies and morons, all of them). But we stayed out until our lips got all puckered and salty and we were so happy! At one point our merry gang was joined by two red-headed little girls who were really excited to tell us about their newly accuired skill of swimming! Their dad had just taught them and they were just wriggling with joy. They were out there diving into the waves with the best of us. After the kids left another member joined, a portly, smiling man who only spoke Spanish. Good thing I speak it. But really all he wanted to say was how beautiful the day was, were we having fun?, and holler an occasional "oh shit!" when a really big wave was coming.
Then, yesterday, a storm came. It wasn't a hurricane, not even one of those "tropical storms" that are not as bad that hurricanes always seem to be turning in to.

The very most exciting part was during morning group, lightening struck our power transformer! (i think that's the right word). TWICE! There were blue explosions with smoke and sparks! Ohhh maaaaan! People say that talking about the weather is boring or somehow shallow but people are so wrong. Weather is one of the worlds great endless fascinating mysteries. We don't know exactly how it works or how to predict it, and even though it's always happened, there's still and inexplicable pull just to get outside and LOOK at it. It's just so BIG. And the OCEAN! It's so big! And they are so pwerful and beautiful! Nature, you guys!
Look how great nature is:
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