So I've been volunteering at this place, Second Harvest Food Bank, and it kind of blows. It doesn't, like, terminally blow, but it does blow.
The first time they had me stuffing envelopes for some event ("Wine, Women and Food". The invitation were hot pink with a high heel on them, barf out.) That was fine until my ipod ran out of batteries and the fucking folding chair I was sitting in started totally KILLING my back. It hurt do bad that I went into the dirty bathroom and lied down on the FLOOR. I'm not really scared of germs or anything, but that's pretty skanky.
Another time they had us putting meals together, assembly line style. That was kind of nice because I enjoy doing simple, repetitive tasks, Oh, you want me to put two cans on a plate and send it down the line? OK! I can do that all day! Just keep on this station that always plays Wings, Blondie, and The Beach Boy's "Kokomo". I hope you are not reading any sarcasm into this because I am not being sarcastic. Yes, I am aware that "Kokomo" was the utter downfall of one of the best bands of all time, but I love it still.
Since then, we have been doing the same thing, which is sorting through the donations. We get boxes of jumbled food products, then we un-jumble them and put the stuff into other boxes, separated by category. This is surprisingly horrible, for various reasons.
Firstly, the quality of food we get. How are these poor people going to be able to go get jobs when you're feeding them, like, Caprisun, canned Vienna sausages, and candy left over from Valentine's day, or, SERIOUSLY, big tubs of corn starch? Is everyone they are feeding obese, lethargic, and dying of scurvy?
And as if that wasn't bad enough, you wouldn't believe the absolutely VAST quantities of food we throw out. About 1/3 of the donations received never get to people in need. Perfectly edible food, in the trash. What hungry person, what person at all, would turn up their nose at Oreos one month past their expiration date, or canned cord with part of the nutritional information on the label turn off? We also toss dented cans, and things that have gotten sticky from some other food in their box bursting. I can only hope and pray that they don't lock those dumpsters, and that some enterprising homeless person or freegan anarchist can benefit from all that waste. If it's actually going to the landfill, that would be absolutely criminal.
Finally, there is the very immediate concern that everything is FILTHY. It seems like every item is sticky, or dusty, or covered in coffee grounds or powdered kool-aid. Every other cereal box (sugar cereal, all of it) is leaking. A box of maple syrup will invariably have one bad bottle, covering the rest in slime. Sometimes... oh I can't bear it... sometimes, there are maggots. AAAHH oh god. And do we get gloves? No we do not get gloves. It's vomit inducing. I have to totally wash my hands Silkwood-style after I'm done.
But like I said, it could be worse. I have a job interview on Tuesday, so maybe I can show my consistency and also get fuckin' PAID, homies.
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